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People understood the limitations of finding a “perfect” space that met all our needs (adequate seating, adequate parking, adequate breakout space, close to BART/bus, affordable to rent, etc.) and appreciated that we can’t “let the perfect be the enemy of the good”
GREAT location because it can handle a crowd, and because it is NOT in Rockridge. Claremont Middle School and Rockridge Library are too Rockridge-centric. Rockridge is not the center of the universe
There was tremendous youth outreach. Lack of youth attendance was simply a factor of the older/whiter/wealthier skew of D1
Outreach for the event in general was excellent, as evidenced by the large number of attendees
Great outreach to the often-disregarded flatlands of D1
Morning time (not spanning lunch hour) was a plus. Other town halls with full meals and spanning lunch hour lost energy/focus and didn’t keep attendees until end
Food table was fantastic, well-staffed, attractively presented, and kept clean
Everyone was given a chance to speak in breakout groups
All who lined up for Open Mic/Q&A with the Mayor got a chance to speak
Councilmember Brunner’s comments were positive and helpful
Overall, a superbly-organized event


Needed more time in breakout sessions
Some residents felt rushed or “snubbed” by facilitators
Some breakout rooms were noisy/bad acoustics
Some breakout groups were too large
Some breakout groups were too small
Some breakout issues may not have been “promoted” or advertised adequately
Facilitators need to adapt to larger and larger groups as town halls become more popular and successful
Not enough outreach to hills residents
Hills residents present mostly didn’t attend hills-focused breakout groups, because there were non-hills-specific breakout groups addressing more pressing issues
Some breakout topics were overly specialized and might have been better made “focus groups” at separate meetings sponsored by BBBON in future
Needed more bike parking (didn’t want to use handrails because of seniors)
Senior-skewed audience/needed to attract more youth (possible factors: a.m. meeting time; location at a senior center)
Location at MLK possibly deemed as “sketchy”/a disincentive to hills residents
Some breakout groups were too “micro-” or “single-issue-focused” – like Lowell Street/Public Safety – need more “big picture” format/facilitation, focused on getting citizens to take responsibility
“Day with the A’s” raffle was a problem since few if any qualifying youth were in attendance
Some attendees had “agendas” and were “grandstanding” in breakout groups
The Agenda/Program left of mention of the Department of Human Services
Councilmember Brunner would have liked to get an assigned parking space.
Registration was passive and understaffed – could have used 6 people instead of 4, and someone with a clipboard walking the line
Registrants bottlenecked at Breakout Registration table
Resource Fair table was too remotely located (too far down the hallway)
Two group had unassigned people assume other volunteer recorders’ assigned roles (miscommunication/misunderstanding)
Seniors were not given a breakout group – an ad hoc breakout was established the morning of the event when many seniors turned out
Sometimes there was lack of communication, miscommunication and/or misunderstanding between volunteer organizers, Mayor’s staff, and BBBON steering committee/leadership
Food donors and other service providers & donors could have been better acknowledged (for instance, with signs up on the walls)
Need clearer process for facilitating and encouraging BBBON membership
Would be good to have a special BBBON banner (an indoor/”formal-looking” one) to put up at all Town Halls

Notes for the Block by Block Organizing Network (BBBON)

District 1 Post-Town Hall Debrief and Next Steps Meeting

April 13, 2011, 7:30-9:30pm

Welcome, introductions (name/neighborhood) and review agenda. (10 min) There was a small but spirited group in attendance at this meeting, including Maria Barra-Gibson from Councilmember Jane Brunner’s office.

Invitation to join Block By Block Organizing Network (Susan) (5 min) Margaret Cunningham made this presentation.

Report on District 1 Town Hall and review Plus/Delta – what went well, and what could have been done better (Chris, followed by open discussion) (30 min) See “D1 Town Hall Plus_Delta” document

Review top priorities identified by each of the breakout groups at the Town Hall (Dagmar) (15 min) See “D1 Town Hall Top Priorities” document
Economic Development & Zoning
Public Safety (crime prevention, community policing, NCPC’s, Measure Y, gang injunctions, etc.)
Public Works (blight, beautification, parks, street trees, sidewalks, potholes, etc.)
Emergency Preparedness (emergency response, earthquake, CORE, etc.)
Wildfire Prevention, Vegetation Management, Ingress/Egress
Senior Issues
Youth & Schools
Traffic Engineering (transportation safety, bike/pedestrian, traffic lights, etc.)
Highway 24/Caldecott Tunnel 4th Bore

Initiate “Action Phase” — next steps on how we can take concrete steps as citizens to partner with our elected officials and help turn the above-identified priorities into accomplishments. Specific focus tonight on budget/revenue action items. (Susan) (30 min) Dagmar did this item.
Helping to get the parcel tax on the ballot. It means $11 million per year for 5 years. $80 per parcel per year (25 cents per day).
Statewide efforts to increase revenue, i.e. tax the wealthy initiatives:

Assemblymember Nancy Skinner is sponsoring Assembly Bill 1130, which would institute a 1% tax increase on Californians making over $500,000/year. This is less than 1% of the taxpaying population, and is estimated to raise $2.3 billion/year. Their tax rate would go from
9.55% to 10.55 %. This is the same tax structure that was in place when Ronald Reagan and Pete Wilson were governors. Maha Ibrahim (Senior Field Representative for Assemblymember Skinner) in Skinner's Oakland office (510-286-1400 or||miharbI.ahaM) is happy to talk with anyone who would like to work on this initiative.

Thank-yous to volunteers & canvassers, esp. Golden Gate neighborhood activists. Recruitment follow-up – do those present tonight have an NCPC or other working group in your neighborhood? Please pass the word to them about BBBON and what we are doing as neighbors, and as a grassroots, citywide coalition of neighbors. (Don) (10 min) Special appreciation was also expressed for Nancy Mueller and Shelagh Broderson for their outstanding work at the food tables.

Identify D1 follow-up meeting date & location (Dagmar) (5 min) No separate D1 follow-up meeting was set; instead, all D1 residents are encouraged to attend the monthly BBBON General Assembly meetings, where they can participate in their district breakout groups.

Next steps
Distribution of notes by e-mail These notes are being distributed by email 4/15/11.
Return of BBBON membership forms If you have not joined BBBON yet, please do so. For more info, go to or download membership application:

Re: D1 Town Hall Debrief by howarddhowardd, 16 Apr 2011 15:20

Planning meetings have been taking place at the community room of the Eastmont Police Station. on alternate Fridays.

The next one, however, will be on Wednesday, April 27th, at 6 pm.

We currently have a core group plus recent attendance by representatives of several east oakland NCPCs, and also participation by Iris from Larry Reid's office and Richard from Mayor Quan's office. These meetings are open to all District 7 residents.

This is Michael testing my ability to post to WikiDot treads. I may be the only one, but I've found that it is necessary to respond to the invitation link in order to be granted permission. Once that's finished (and I logged into my previously established account), I was directed to

It is an empty page. I returned via my prevously bookmarked link:

in order to create this response.


A REPLY to a message is indented.

Re: D7 Town Hall by howarddhowardd, 09 Feb 2011 09:34

Let's start a new thread but within D7 Town Hall topic

Re: D7 Town Hall by Angie TamAngie Tam, 09 Feb 2011 01:17

This is the start of the Thread on the relationship between BBBON and the Mayor's Office.

Planning meeting Notice:






Dear District 5 Activist/BBBON Member,

As you may know, Mayor Jean Quan is calling for Town Hall meetings in each District during the first several months of her administration. This will be a time for District 5 residents to learn more about what is available from the City, further educate the new Mayor on the needs of our District, develop and provide priorities for City Hall involvement in creatively addressing our concerns, and build our relationship with eachother, the Mayor and other Oakland public officials.

Since you have expressed an interest and been involved in District 5 issues and politics, we want to invite you to join us in developing the plan, agenda, and outreach to make our D. 5 Town Hall a successful launch of our new relationship with City Hall. Our Town Hall is tentatively planned for Saturday, March 26, so we need to begin planning and outreach to involve as many sectors of our community as possible.

Our first planning meeting is set for Saturday, January 29, 2PM at Nama Japanese Restaurant (top floor) across from Farmer Joe’s on Fruitvale. Please RSVP if you plan to come, and if you’re interested in working on the Town Hall but can’t join our Town Hall Taskforce on Saturday, let us know so you can be included. Also, if you have suggestions of individuals and organizations to include in our outreach (or a good place to meet in the Fruitvale area), please send those contacts.

Looking forward to working with you to better our community in every way possible.

Allan Brill ten.labolgcbs|llirb#ten.labolgcbs|llirb

Kit Vail moc.oohay|5qavtik#moc.oohay|5qavtik

Rich Johnson moc.oohay|tolipmlaphcir#moc.oohay|tolipmlaphcir

Re: D5 Town Hall by howarddhowardd, 28 Jan 2011 11:23

This is the start of the new projects thread.

This is an email report from James Vann:

moc.loa|nnaVEsemaJ#moc.loa|nnaVEsemaJ to districtcoordi.,….

For information, the District 3 Town Hall Planning Core met yesterday afternoon in the Mayor's Conference Room for its second meeting. Updates since the first meeting of the Planning Core since its first meeting last week are noted in bold below.

The second planning meeting for the District 3 Town Hall (W Oakland, Adams Point, Lakeshore, Downtown) was held yesterday, Wednesday, Jan 19. The meeting (4pm to 5pm), attended by 6 community members (down 1, plus 4 staff), was held in the Mayor's Conference Room. The meeting was led by Richard Cowan with Maisha Everhart of Mayor Quan's office & Carletta Starks of CM Nadel's office.
james vann


GENERAL OUTLINE: Probably applicable in similar form to each subsequent Town Hall in the various Districts, and may be of assistance to others involved in planning their District's Town Hall.

PLANNING CORE: Each District should assemble a committed Core of 7 to 10 community members who will remain involved throughout the planning period. Schedule a minimum of 2 (or 3) planning meetings; one week apart. Final "wrap up" meeting should be no less than 2 (or 1) weeks before the Town Hall in order to allow adequate time for promotion and outreach.

OBJECTIVE: Taking City Hall 'on the road;' openness & accessibility; message that new Mayor will serve & be concerned with needs of entire City; increase Mayor's knowledge of each District; encourage NHs to work together; provide awareness of available city services, contacts & responsible officials, numbers to call. [NO invitations to local organizations to setup information tables, as objective of the TH is for Mayor to hear from residents of their concerns.]

TIME OF TOWN HALL: 11:00am to 1:30pm (Date has been changed to Saturday morning).

DATE OF TOWN HALL: Saturday, Feb 5 (Date selected by Mayor Quan).

TOWN HALL LOCATION: Lowell Middle School (14th & Market) in either Gymnasium or Cafeteria (to be determined by School Principal). (Richard and Maisha toured several possible venues proposed by community members.)

GENERAL AGENDA: 11a - 12n: Mayor opens, intros invited city officials & roles; Mayor and CM Nadel speak. 12n - 12:45pm: Breakout groups. 12:45 - 1pm: Reports-back (turn in summary notes). 1:00p - 1:30p: Open mic (informal, 1/2 hour, for voices who feel were left out). 1:30p: Mayor sums up & adjourns T-H.

BREAKOUT TOPICS: Determined by District priorities (CM Nadel's Aide had prepared a list of issue subjects collected over time from constituent complaints and known District conditions. These will be aggregated into related topics and will become the titles of "breakout groups." The Mayor's 3 priority issues may also be subjects of breakouts).

REFRESHMENTS: Since the Town Hall will now extend over the Noon hour, the desired refreshments list is now expanded beyond Cookies & Water & Soft Drinks (poured from large bottles to reduce waste) to now also include Fruit, Pastries, Bagel (donations will be sought). [Residents (& CM Nadel's Aide) took assignments to obtain donation commitments].

IMPLEMENTS: [Residents suggested that Mayor's office provide cups & napkins (no forks or spoons needed)].

ACCOMMODATIONS: Assume appx 300 attendees. Venue must have chairs & tavbles (if needed).

OUTREACH LEAFLET: A "draft" of a leaflet developed by a community member was circulated and commented on for desired revisions. Comments were given by the Planning Core. The designer will meet tomorrow with Sue Piper to finalize the text and graphics. Then a "PDF" will be sent by email to each person of the Planning Core to make copies and for each to do their own distribution. Sue Piper to be asked to schedule "press releases" prior to the date of the Town Hall. [Completed template of leaflet layout may be usable for other Town Halls ?]

PRINTING & DISTRIBUTION (flyers, leaflets for distribution, etc): Mayor's office & CM Nadel's office will email to a broad list of District contacts from city files. Printing and direct distribution of leaflets within the District will be the responsibility of Planning Core members & BBBON.

NEXT PLANNING MEETING: There will be one final meeting of the Planning Core in one week (same time & place, Wed, Jan 26, 4pm, Mayor's Conf Rm, City Hall) for last check-in on commitments and open issues; determination of "Breakout" topics; review strategy for 'promotion' of Town Hall (PR, media, other); and for outreach & leaflet distribution (a community member will check policy at each school in District re dissemination of leaflets to students to carry home). Determine Town Hall assignments.

Re: D3 Town Hall by howarddhowardd, 20 Jan 2011 13:40

I greatly appreciate Jame's proposal and comparison with Barbara's proposal from our December ISC meeting. But I would like to comment on the roles of the membership committee and the publicity committee.

IF we hold and event and we want to have a new member sign-up table, that clearly is a function for the membership committee. Recruiting should also be a function of the membership committee.

IF we plan an event and need publicity and news coverage, that is clearly a function of the publicity committee. Similarly, posting info on the blogs and our own web site is also a clear function of the publicity committee and also is Outreach. Doing Outreach and sending out publicity may use media tools and also may work with the membership committee on recruiting efforts, but the Outreach function should be primarily handled by the Publicity and Outreach committee.

In most organizations, the role of PR and Outreach bodies is to relate to communications media by sending out announcements and press releases in advance of organizational events.

I also think we need a legal research group - at least temporarily. This group should handle legal and tax issues around the structure of BBBON.

So I would modify Jame's proposal to reflect this clarification of roles:

— Membership & Recruiting
— Volunteers, (Event?) Functions, Fundraising
— Data & Infrastructure, Related Research
— Outreach & Public Relations
— 7 District Committees
— City Hall Liaison Committee (??)
— Temporary Legal and Tax Status Research

Here is a copy of the agenda proposal from James Vann:

The ISC meeting tomorrow evening at the office of Jose Dorado — 2624 Fruitvale — will at least be interesting. Prior to Floyd's email sent yesterday evening with title: "State of BBBON and next steps: Suggestions for the ISC and the co-facilitators," I had sent the email below early Tuesday morning to Jose and Beverly, present co-facilitators, with ideas and suggestions for tomorrow's ISC meeting and for the Feb 2 BBBON General Assembly. It will therefore be challenging for attendees to decide just what the Agenda for tomorrow (actually, tonight) should be. Moreover, as no location has yet been secured for the Feb 3 GA meeting, it may be necessary for ISC to authorize funds for a suitable, more centrally located venue, as requested by members, instead of returning to the ILWU Hall.

In addition to the plethora of potential Agenda items for the ISC, Richard Cowan from Mayor Quan's office will also attend and will report on the upcoming District 3 Town Hall, and the role desired of BBBON as co-sponsor.

Note also that the comments offered below in my email of yesterday relating to "caucuses" — in addition to being incomplete — should be disregarded for now. A related internal email discussion concluded: "Let us agree that it is too early for BBBON to consider incorporating "caucuses. In fact, the first logical step beyond individual members as the basic BBBON structure, is to work out an efficient and effective structural means for how to relate to existing issues organizations in a manner that is beneficial, supporting, and non-competitive. Therefore, I assume consensus among the addressees to "table" for now a discussion of caucuses for BBBON."

From: moc.loa|nnaVEsemaJ#moc.loa|nnaVEsemaJ
To: moc.liamg|84odarodaesoj#moc.liamg|84odarodaesoj, ude.alcu.bec|smailliw.ylreveb#ude.alcu.bec|smailliw.ylreveb
CC: moc.liamg|dnalkaoneuhdyolf#moc.liamg|dnalkaoneuhdyolf, moc.liamg|neuh.nalial#moc.liamg|neuh.nalial, moc.loa|nnavesemaj#moc.loa|nnavesemaj
Sent: 1/18/2011 7:00:19 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Subj: Agenda for Jan 20 ISC & Preparation for Feb 3 BBBON GA Meeting

Beverly & Jose,

As BBBON co-facilitators for the period extending from the Dec GA meeting to the selection of co-facilitators for the Feb meeting, one or both co-facilitators are tasked to chair the ISC meeting, Jan 20, 6:30pm, at Jose's office.

Continuing duties of the Dec co-facilitators include preparation of the Agenda for the ISC meeting. The general duty of the ISC meeting itself is preparation for the Feb 3 GA meeting. This includes preparation, distribution, assurance of a meeting place; prior notification to those with major responsibilities at the GA meeting; posting the proposed Agenda and location of the GA meeting on the BBBON website, as well as the JustMyNeighbors listserv; setting the next ISC meeting date; and conducting, at ISC, the process of selecting co-facilitators for the Feb GA meeting (the present co-facilitators may also propose to continue thru the Feb GA meeting and up to the March GA meeting).

When you, as co-facilitators, have agreed on items to be discussed at the ISC meeting, email the ISC proposed Agenda to a general list of those who have previously attended ISC meetings at least one day before the Thurs meeting.

As an assist for your preparation of the ISC Agenda, the following are some of the items that are standard, and that have been suggested for discussion:

— Standard update reports from Membership, Treasurer, Data Team, Jan 15 Cleanup in Dist 7, and report of the Jan 20 ISC meeting. (see prior Agendas)
— Announce meeting dates and locations of the next ISC meeting (open to all), and the next BBBON GA meeting.
— Determine when "announcements" should occur in the GA Agenda.
— Mission Statement Task Group: Continuation of process for adoption of "BBBON Mission Statement."
— Determine how reports from the "Issues Breakout" sessions of the Jan GA meeting are to be facilitated and archived.
— Revise the present schedule of town halls (in view of Mayor Quan's commitment to first 100 days), and determine if "breakouts" by Districts for town hall planning will be necessary at the Feb GA meeting.
— Discussion re if "breakouts" are desired or needed at the Feb GA meeting; and if so, determine the titles of the "breakout sessions" and when they should occur within the meeting Agenda.
— At the Jan meeting, a young peoples contingent requested that a specific "Youth Committee" be created. (discussion should include which — committee" or "caucus" or "none" — would be most appropriate); (below are thoughts on "identity caucuses" presented as a start point for a discussion of "caucuses" within a general structure of BBBON).
— Discussion of need for recording BBBON GA meetings and archiving of BBBON reports and documents ["Recording Secretary"]. (Note: Sheryl Walton is the designated recorder for ISC; however BBBON should have its separate recorder [and Assistant Recorder ?] as the tasks are too overwhelming for only one recorder to do both tasks.
— Standing Committees for BBBON. Discussion should include both the types of committees determined needed for efficient conduct of BBBON business, administration, and functioning; and the minimum requirements of composition and quorum for a BBBON Issue Committee to be legitimate in representing varied interests of the organization. (Refer to the adopted BBBON Interim Structure [Item 6] which specifies how and when the permanent BBBON Steering Committee is constituted and when it comes into existence.)
Suggestions for BBBON Committees:

Barbara DeSalvo James Vann Caucuses
Membership Membership & Outreach Youth (?)
Volunteer & Training Volunteers, Functions, Fundraising LGBTQ (?)
Data Data & Research Labor (?)
Legislative Media & Public Relations
District Committees - 7
City Hall Liaison Committee (??)

Thoughts on Identity Caucuses
A structure proposal for BBBON should include both "standing committees," and "caucuses" for defined identity interests. A "caucus" may be defined as an identifiable group with unique interests that need to be developed within the group before being presented to the general assembly, and where specific interests of such identifiable groups are not likely to receive sufficient in-depth deliberation in general open discussions, or may be overlooked within the general consortium of more common or typical interests.

Presently, (1) Youth, (2) LGBTQ, and (3) Labor appear to be viable and identifiable caucus groupings. Seniors could possibly constitute a 4th caucus, however, it could also be argued that the interests of seniors have become more mainstream and are likely to be more typically accommodated in general deliberations.

Organizationally, with respect to BBBON, "Identity Caucuses" could (a) always be included on BBBON agendas (on request) to bring any matter for BBBON action that emerges with consensus from its caucus; (b) be authorized to attend and to present its interests and concerns at any meeting of a BBBON committee or sub-structure; and (c) have specific breakout sessions allotted during any general "breakout period" agendized at BBBON meetings or functions.


james vann

Proposals for the Jan 20 ISC by howarddhowardd, 20 Jan 2011 12:34

This is Angie Tam testing this new wikidot. On Jan 20, 2011, ISC shall start the discussion on BBBON committee structures and governance issues.

Post discussion here about the Town Hall in District 5.

This is the start of the discussion thread.

D5 Town Hall by howarddhowardd, 20 Jan 2011 01:58

This is the start of the discussion thread.

D4 Town Hall by howarddhowardd, 20 Jan 2011 01:56
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